Postgraduate Admissions
The following may apply for admission and registration for the Postgraduate Diploma programme:
- Graduates of Enugu State University of Science and Technology or graduates from other approved universities who hold first degree qualifications acceptable to Senate;
- Candidates who hold good grades of non-first degree qualifications which are acceptable to Senate. These include:
- HND (Upper Credit and Above) in relevant discipline;
- HND (Lower Credit) in relevant discipline plus 5 years relevant post qualification experience;
- Holders of professional qualifications such as FIMLT, FNLT, FIST, AIB, ACCA, ACMA, ICAN, CPA, ACCS and ACIS.
A. Admission Procedure
- The Departmental Postgraduate Studies Committee shall recommend candidates
for admission to Senate through the Faculty Postgraduate Studies Committee and the Board of the School of Postgraduate Studies .
- A candidate offered admission must accept it within 3 months of the date of the offer.
- A candidate must register at the commencement of a session. However, where there are acceptable reasons, registration can be deferred by one session only.
B. Mode of Study
- The academic programme leading to the Postgraduate Diploma shall be by course work and a creative research project. The academic programme shall be approved by Senate on the recommendation of the Departmental Postgraduate Studies Committee through the Faculty Postgraduate Committee and the School of Postgraduate Studies Board. The Postgraduate Diploma course must be distinct from undergraduate courses and master’s programme but may include undergraduate courses for students who have deficiencies.
- A candidate may register for the full time or part time. Any member of staff of the University who possesses the necessary qualifications may be admitted for part time study.
C. Duration of the Postgraduate Diploma Programme
The full-time Postgraduate Diploma programmes shall last for a minimum of 12 calendar months, while the part-time programmes shall last for a minimum of 18 months. The evening programmes where they exist shall last for 4 semesters.
D. Examination and Assessment of the Candidates Work
- The workload shall be made up of at least 28 credit hours and at most 36 credit hours including a research project of 6 credit hours;
- There shall be an examination for each course at the end of each semester. The departments shall determine the courses to be registered by candidates for each semester or number of credit hours to be covered by the candidates in a semester provided the credit hours do not exceed 18 per semester. The passing grade in a course would be C. (50) on a 5-points grade scale. But candidates will be expected to obtain 2.0 cumulative grade point average for a Diploma certificate to be awarded (see Tables 1 & 2 on page 17).
- At the end of each semester, there shall be the Postgraduate Diploma examination. There shall be an oral examination for the defence of project report.
- The Postgraduate Diploma project report shall follow the format and regulations of the degree project report of the University and work reported therein must be work done during the approved period of the programme.
E. Mode of Study
A candidate may register for either full-time or past-time. A candidate engaged in any work other than his advanced study must submit the details through the Departmental Postgraduate Studies Committee and School of Postgraduate which shall recommend to Senate the minimum period to be prescribed for the candidate’s study. Where a candidate is engaged in work other than his advanced study for more than 12 hours a week, his period of study shall normally be longer than the period of full-time study by about one-third.
Member of staff of the University including staff and research fellows who possesses the necessary qualifications may be admitted for part time study only.
Where course work is involved, it shall be based on a programme approved by Senate on the recommendation of the Departmental Postgraduate Studies Committee and through the Faculty Postgraduate Studies Committee and Board of the School of Postgraduate Studies.
Where qualifying examination and/or remedial programme are necessary, the candidate’s department would be expected to inform the school on the remedial courses to be offered.
F. Duration of Programme
The Degree of Master’s shall last for a minimum of 12 calendar months for full-time or 18 months for part-time students. The maximum duration shall be three years for full-time students and four years for part-time students. Senate does not normally grant approval for extension of period of study but in special circumstances, application shall be received and considered on individual merit. Such application, which must be channelled through the candidate’s supervisor, Departmental and Faculty Postgraduate Committees, is to be addressed to the Dean, School of Postgraduate Studies for the consideration of the Board of the School and recommendation to Senate.